2016 Talks/ Presentations

2016 Program


8:00-8:25        Registration

8:25-8:30        Welcome and Logistics: A. Bhattacharjee

Session I: ITER and Other Experiments

Chair: R. Hawryluk

08:30-09:10    Physics Basis for ITER Disruption Mitigation—Gaps and Present R&D: M. Lehnen

09:10-9:50      Overview of Recent Disruption Mitigation Experiments on JET: S. Jachmich

9:50-10:30      Disruption Mitigation Studies at ASDEX Upgrade in Support of ITER: G. Pautasso

10:30-10:50    Coffee

10:50-11:30    Disruption Event Characterization of Global MHD Modes in NSTX and Plans for Instability Avoidance in NSTX-U: S. Sabbagh

11:30-12:00    Big Data Machine Learning Studies of Tokamak Disruption Predictions: W. Tang

12:00-12:30    Discussion on Session I

12:30-01:30    Lunch 

Session II: MHD Simulations of Disruptions, Wall Currents, and Forces

Chair: S. Gerhardt

01:30-02:10    Poloidal Distribution of Disruption Halo Currents in Alcator C-Mod: R. Granetz                  

02:10-02:40    Magnetomechanics of Vertically Displacing Plasmas: D. Pfefferle

02:40-03:20    Overview of Disruption-Related Research at UW-Madison: C. R. Sovinec

03:20-03:40    Coffee

03:40-04:20    Extended-MHD Modeling of Tokamak Disruptions and Resistive Wall Modes with M3D-C1: N. Ferraro

04:20-05:00    Effect of Locked-Modes on Impurity Spreading in MHD Simulations of Massive Gas Injection: V. Izzo

05:00-05:30    Discussion on Session II

07:00-09:00    Group Dinner at Nassau Inn


Session III: Runaway Electrons (1)

ChairY. Peysson

08:30-09:10    Runaway Electrons and ITER: A. Boozer

09:10-09:50    Generation of Runaway Electrons During the Current Quench: P. Aleynikov

09:50-10:30    Synchrotron and Collisional Damping Effects on Runaway Electron Distributions: C. Paz-Soldan

10:30-10:50    Coffee

10:50-11:25    Electron Cyclotron Emission of Runaway Electron: C. Liu

11:25-12:00    Analysis of Runaway Electron Synchrotron Emission in Alcator C-Mod:  A. Tinguely

12:00-12:30    Discussion on Session III

12:30-01:30    Lunch

Session IV: Runaway Electrons (2)

ChairM. Lehnen

01:30-2:10      Runaway Electron Generation and Mitigation on ASDEX Upgrade and TCV: G. Papp

02:10-02:50    A European Effort for Kinetic Modeling of Runaway Electron Dynamics: Y. Peysson

02:50-03:20    Simulation Center for Runaway Electron Avoidance and Mitigation: D. Brennan

03:20-04:20    Coffee and Poster Session- Commons Area LSB 2nd Floor (I. Bandopadhyay, K. Bunkers, E. Hirvijoki, 
                        A. Khrabrov, C. Myers, K. Sarkimaki, Q. Teng)   

04:20-04:50    Full-Orbit Effects in the Dynamics of Runaway Electrons in Toroidal Geometry: D. del-Castillio-Negrete

04:50-05:20    Modeling of Gas Penetration, MHD Activity, and Runaway Electrons in Disruptions Mitigated by Massive Gas Injection: C. Sommariva

05:20-05:50    Discussion on Session IV


Session V: More on Disruptions: Ideas and Plans

ChairA. Bhattacharjee

08:30-09:10    Helical Temperature Perturbations Associated with Radially Asymmetric Island Chains in Tokamak Plasmas: R. Fitzpatrick

09:10-09:40    JET Disruption Simlations: H. Strauss

09:40-10:20   Prediction, Avoidance, and Control of Disruptive Locked Modes in DIII-D and ITER: F. Volpe    

10:20-10:40    Coffee

10:40-11:20    Disruption and Runaway Electron Studies in the EUROfusion Medium-Size Tokamaks: P. Martin

11:20-11:40    Introducing ITPA Joint Experiment MDC-23 on the Formation, Suppression, and Mitigation of Runaway Electrons During Disruptions:
R. Granetz

11:40-12:00    Disruption Research Identified by the Transients Workshop: C. Greenfield

12:00-12:30    Discussions on Session V and Adjournment