2023 Presentations

2023 PPPL Workshop on Theory and Simulation of Disruptions

July 19

8:00-8:50          Registration

8:50-9:00          Welcome and Logistics: Amitava Bhattacharjee

 Session I: Experiments

Chair: Nicholas Eidietis (GA)

09:00-09:40    Andrey Lvovskiy (GA): Density and temperature profiles after low-Z and high-Z shattered pellet injections on DIII-D

09:40-10:20    Nina Schwarz (IPP-Garching): The mechanism of vertical force reduction in mitigated disruptions

10:20-10:40    Coffee

10:40-11:05    Cedric Reux (CEA/JET): Characterization and limits of benign termination of runaway electron beams using low-Z massive material injections  

11:05-11:45    Umar Sheikh (EPFL): Benign termination of runaway electron beams on JET, ASDEX Upgrade and TCV  

11:45-12:15    Discussion on Session I

12:15-01:30    Lunch

Session II: Overviews of facilities and modeling capabilities

Chair: Amitava Bhattacharjee (PPPL/Princeton)

01:30-02:10    Michael Lehnen (ITER): Progress on the physics basis of the ITER DMS

02:10-02:50    Ryan Sweeney (CFS):Overview of SPARC disruptions

02:50-03:30    F. Javier Artola (ITER):  Modelling of the Thermal Quench during Vertical Displacement Events in AUG, JET and ITER

03:30-03:50    Coffee

03:50-04:30    Valerie Izzo (Fiat Lux): Modeling of runaway electron deconfinement by a passive coil during a DIII-D current quench

04:30-04:55    Andreas Kleiner (PPPL): Extended-MHD simulations of disruption mitigation in SPARC using massive gas injection

04:55-05:20    Xianzhu Tang (LANL): ITER VDE modeling for disruption mitigation design

05:20-05:50    Discussion on Session II

06:00              Bus leaves for hotel

07:00-09:00   Group Dinner

July 20

Session III: Runaway electrons: theory and simulation

Chair: Carl Sovinec (UW-Madison)

08:30-09:10    Tünde Fülöp (Chalmers): Runaway electron dynamics in ITER disruptions mitigated by shattered pellet injection

09:10-09:35    Matthew Beidler (ORNL): KORC modeling of runaway electron beam impact on DIII-D DiMES

09:35-10:00    Alexandre Sainterme (UW-Madison): Linear stability of a fluid runaway electron beam

10:00-10:20    Coffee

10:20-11:00    Chang Liu (PPPL): Simulation of compressional Alfven eigenmodes in tokamak disruptions and impact on runaway electron transport  

11:00-11:25    Gergely Papp (IPP-Garching):Impact of fusion-born alpha particles on runaway electron dynamics in ITER disruptions

11:25-11:50    Allen Boozer (Columbia): The asymmetry between magnetic surface breakup and reformation

11:50-12:20    Discussion on Session III

12:20-01:30    Lunch

01:30-03:30    Poster Viewing and Coffee    

Session IV: Machine learning and forecasting

Chair: Nate Ferraro (PPPL)

03:30-04:10    Cristina Rea (MIT): A review of machine learning applications to disruptions

04:10-04:35    Diego del-Castillio-Negrete (ORNL): A machine learning normalizing flow surrogate model for runaway electron kinetic simulation

04:35-05:00    Steven Sabbagh (Columbia): First real-time application of disruption event characterization and forecasting and associated research

05:00-05:25    William Boyes (Columbia): MHD stability and scenario development of negative triangularity plasmas in DIII-D

05:25-05:50    Discussion on Session IV

06:00               Bus leaves for hotel

July 21

Session V: Wall currents, tearing modes, and mitigation

Chair: Carlos Paz-Soldan (Columbia)

08:30-09:10    Chris Hansen (Columbia): Design of passive and structural conductors for tokamaks using thin-wall eddy current modeling

09:10-09:35    Hank Strauss (HRS Fusion): Resistive wall tearing mode disruptions

09:35-10:00    Brett Chapman (UW-Madison): Non-disruptive tokamak operation far beyond traditional safety factor and density limits

10:00-10:20    Coffee

10:20-10:45    Veronika Zamkovska (Columbia): Cross-device DECAF investigation of abnormal evolution of plasma vertical position and current indicating disruptions and internal reconnection events

10:45-11:10    Paul Heinrich (IPP-Garching): Radiation analysis of the shattered pellet injection experiments performed at ASDEX Upgrade

11:10-11:35    Roman Samulyak (Stony Brook University): Simulation study of the influence of grad-B drift on pellet ablation dynamics

11:35-12:05    Discussion on Session V        

12:05-12:15    Adjournment