2019 PPPL Workshop: Theory and Simulation of Disruptions
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, Room B318,
Princeton University
August 5-7, 2019


8:00-8:50          Registration

8:50-9:00          Welcome and Logistics: A. Bhattacharjee

Session I: ITER and Other Experiments

Chair: A. Bhattacharjee

09:00-09:40      Progress in validating the ITER disruption mitigation strategy: M. Lehnen

09:40-10:20      Runaway electron generation and mitigation on the European medium-sized tokamak ASDEX-U and TCV: G. Papp

10:20-10:40      Coffee

10:40-11:20      Runaway electron (RE) beam dynamics in DIII-D: energy distribution, current profile, and RE-driven instabilities: A. Lvovskiy

11:20-11:50      DIII-D disruption prediction using deep convolutional neural networks on raw imaging data: R. M. Churchill

11:50-12:20      Discussion on Session I

12:20-01:20      Lunch  

Session II: Overview of Simulation and Modeling Capabilities

Chair: M. Lehnen

01:20-02:00      Self-consistent modeling of electron runaway during tokamak disruptions: O. Embreus

02:00-02:40      Recent advances in the theory and simulation of runaway electrons in the SCREAM SciDAC: D. Brennan

02:40-03:10      Center for Tokamak Transient Simulations: S. Jardin

03:10-03:30      Coffee

03:30-04:10      Recent progress in 3D modeling of disruption mitigation: B. Lyons

04:10-04:50      Simulation studies of the ablation of Neon pellets and SPI fragments for plasma disruption mitigation in tokamaks: R. Samulyak

04:50-05:30      3D nonlinear MHD modeling of MGI-triggered disruptions in JET: E. Nardon

05:30-06:00      Discussion on Session II

07:00-09:00      Group Dinner at the Crowne Plaza- Bridgeview Room Lower Level


Session III: Runaway Electron Control

Chair: C. Sovinec

08:30-09:10      Latest results on runaway electron control experiments on FTU: D. Carnevale and L. Boncagni

09:10-09:50      Constraints and options in runaway avoidance by impurity injection energy and runaway energy control via fast wave injection: X. Tang

09:50-10:20      Simulation of MHD instabilities with runaway electron current using M3D-C1 : C. Zhao

10:20-10:40      Coffee

10:40-11:10      Overview of two new disruption projects in DIII-D and MST : B. Chapman

11:10-11:40      The use of pellets for the suppression of runaway electrons in a reactor-relevant disruption: a discussion: G. Pautasso

11:40-12:00      Discussion on Session III

12:00-01:00      Lunch

Session IV: Alternate Strategies for Disruption Avoidance and Mitigation

Chair: G. Pautasso

01:00-01:40      Exploiting instability-driven and externally-applied magnetic fields to avoid and mitigate runaway electrons: C. Paz-Soldan

01:40-02:20      Fast wave instabilities excited by runaway electrons and mitigation of runaway electron current: C. Liu

02:20-03:00      Interaction of runaway electrons with whistler and Alfven waves in the presence of impurity injection: D. Spong

03:00-03:20      Coffee

03:20-03:50      The Electromagnetic Particle Injector for disruption mitigation in tokamaks: R. Raman

03:50-04:20      Modeling of shell pellet injection for disruption mitigation on DIII-D: V. Izzo

04:20-05:00      Progress on applying machine learning to disruption prediction: R. Granetz

05:00-05:30      Suppression of magnetic islands by RF current condensation and disruption avoidance in tokamaks: A. Reiman

05:30-06:00      Discussion on Session IV


Session V: Disruption Physics

Chair: S. Jardin

08:30-09:10      Runaway generation in tokamak plasmas for large inductive electric fields: C. McDevitt

09:00-09:40      Locked mode dynamics prior to disruptions in high-performance JET plasmas: L. Piron

09:40-10:20      Halo current studies with self-consistent MHD simulations for ITER 15 MA plasmas: J. Artola

10:20-10:50      The influence of boundary conditions on NIMROD Axisymmetric VDE computations: K. Bunkers

10:50-12:00      Coffee and Poster Viewing

12:00-01:00      Lunch

01:00-01:30      Update on axisymmetric VDE benchmarking: C. Sovinec

01:30-02:00      Thermal quench and asymmetric wall force in ITER disruptions: H. Strauss

02:00-02:30      Vertical Force during VDEs in ITER and the role of halo currents: C. Clauser

02:30-03:00      Summary and Future Strategy Discussion: A. Bhattacharjee (Moderator)



Runaway electron fluid model in JOREK: first applications to ITER cold VDEs and stochastic RE transport: V. Bandaru

Global Stability of High Beta Spherical Tokamak Plasmas and Initial Implementation of AI Supporting Disruption Prediction: J. Berkery

Interpretation of machine learning disruption predictions on DIII-D: K. Montes

RF current condensation in magnetic islands and associated hysteresis phenomena: E. Rodriguez

Disruption Event Characterization and Forecasting and Supporting Analysis on Wall Stabilization in Tokamaks: S. Sabbagh

Reduced models of runaway electrons in NIMROD: G. Wang